The Postmodern Urban Condition
May05 I agree with Pr Jay. No one has time for just one more thing to do. Even in the rural community in which I live and serve Sundays and srtpos practice is just one example of the competition for worship as a family. But despite the things that compete for our time we are a congregation that is very visibly serving our communities and county (I have 5 school districts in my congregation). People who join our church know that worship is a chance to refuel as we expend our energy out in the community the rest of the week as servant leaders (intergenerationaly). The question I challenge my congregation with is this: If our church were to close the doors forever, would the communities around us miss us? We can honestly and humbly say yes. Most of our folks are involved in our many ministry outreach opportunities in some way or another it's not just a small percentage. I am very thankful for my congregation in the ways they do live out their faith .all the while knowing they are not perfect and are in need of Jesus and his saving grace.